Baby / Kids

Stitched Triangle – Baby Card

A recent obsession with the Stitched Triangle Dies from Stampin’ UP! has sparked a personal challenge to make different themed cards that are featuring these dies. I made a birthday card, you can find that post here. Today, I made a baby card & it’s just precious. Inspired by Steffie Helmschrott.

A combination of blue and pink is definately unique in a baby card but I just loved the way they looked together. This card uses Petal Pink, Balmy Blue & Misty Moonlight. I wanted the triangles to be the focus so I layered a white 4″ x 5 1/4″ onto a white base.

To ensure my script “Baby” didn’t get lost, I used a rectangle vellum piece. I also used an adhesive sheet on the Misty moonlight pieces of cardstock before I cut out with my Well Written Die.

Have fun with this card. Lay out your triangles however you feel or what ever you like! I love the variety in sizes and directions.

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You could also switch up the colors used to make it more gender specific, but I love the combination of blue and pink.

Happy Stamping friends!

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