Miscellaneous Cards

Walk in the Woods

a post by Jackie

I recently challenged myself to create something with a stamp set that wasn’t necessarily my favorite. Not every stamp set can be in our top 5 or even our most used, and Walk in the Woods from the 2020-2021 Annual Catalog was untouched on our shelf. I decided to try to create a card using just this stamp set and maybe this stamp set would move up on my list.

This card I created uses neutral colors, has some texture and I do love that little hedgehog. I did fussy cut him out to give some dimension to my card and to make him stand out among the grass. Instead of just cutting them out I decided to use the Stitched So Sweetly dies to give an added layer to my card.




I used blends to color in my images but you could use whatever you have on hand to color your card. I also added some texture to my card by running my Very Vanilla layer through the Subtle Embossing Folder. To create my tag, I used the Banners Pick-A-Punch and I loved the way it turned out!

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You can get this stamp set from our website, linked here! Be sure to use our December Host Code when checking out.

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