
OnStage: First Timer Tips

a post by Jackie

OnStage is one of the most exciting yet overwhelming experience for any new Stampin’ UP! demonstrator. I just stepped off the plane from my first BIG event since joining Stampin’ UP! this past August, and I am so glad I got to attend with my mom, a seasoned attendee.
Planning ahead is KEY for events like this. And as a first timer there is a ton of exciting and unexpected things that happened!

  1. Leave extra room in your suitcase. You never know what goodies you’ll walk away with! I was blown away at how generous Stampin’ UP! was and how many products we walked away with, my suitcase however, wasn’t as excited as I was.
  2. Make swaps, and a lot of them. This was something I was semi prepared for, but learned so many new things while attending. There are SO MANY people that swap and we (mom and I) went through our swaps so quickly… and we together had about 50 to trade. Also, a good carrying bag is a must-have, it makes trading much easier.
  3. Make sure to pack the supplies on the supply list provided by Stampin’ UP! prior to the event. There are make and takes that require you to use the items supplied by the event and ones they asked you to bring. If you are going with your friends you can share supplies and save some room for more goodies 🙂
  4. Dress in layers– we had over 1,300 people that attended this event. Checkin was both thrilling and very crowded and it got warm standing with anticipation for the doors to open. However the room we were in was large and it got a little chilly.
  5. Pack snacks, you won’t want to miss a single presentation to get up and get something to eat. Lunch was provided but it was a full day packed with learning and crafting.
  6. Pre-Ordering, at events like this, you are often given the chance to pre-order items from the new catalog. Cool right!? But here’s a tip, wait to place your order until the event is over. Mom and I walked away with many free gifts that were on our wish list.
  7. Battery charger and lots of phone storage is also a must. There are project boards, photo booths and live demos that make your head swim. Documenting these beautiful creations will help you remember all the cards you want to make when you get home. I am pretty sure mom and I have over 200 photos to sort through.
  8. Travel with your mamma. Moms are great travel buddies and they make trips more fun!

What are some tips you’d share with someone going to OnStage for the first time?

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